Bible Study

“That you love one another; as I have loved you….By this all will know that you are My disciples” John 13:34-35

ladie’s bible study

Bible Study has been an important aspect of the Chapel since its inception. Currently, a Women’s Bible Study, which was a direct outgrowth of the Palm Beach “Women at the Well,” meets weekly beginning in January. The group, from various Protestant and Catholic denominations, gather to read and study the Bible in an effort to nurture a personal relationship with God. The mission of the Bible study is to help each individual grow in one’s faith journey and coming to understand God’s character more fully.

As we study the Bible, we strive to gain a deeper knowledge of the meaning of The Word of God and how it impacts our individual lives. We share our understanding and questions in a confidential setting allowing for open and honest communication on how God is part of our lives and how we can become more faithful participants in serving Him. For more information about Bible Study programs contact the Chapel office.

men’s bible study

Men gather Saturday mornings at 8 am in the library (from November  to April)  to study the biblical text for the coming Sunday with Dr. Bob Baggott. For more information please call the Chapel and speak to Rev. Bob.

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“No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”

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