Cultural Center
“For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will fill you with joy” Proverbs 2:1

The Lost Tree Chapel Library was formed in 1986 by Chapel members and residents who believed a free-lending library would be a valuable source for enlightenment, education and discussion. The Library Committee prides itself in the fact that it is self-supporting through art and book sales, donations, an endowment funded by Harry and Helen Gray and the cumulative sales of the revised Lost Tree Cookbook published in 1990. The Library offers N.Y. Times fiction and non-fiction best-sellers, children’s books, books on tape, videos, religious and reference books.
The first outreach program of the Library was Tea and Talk. Established in 1988 it dealt with subjects of community interest accompanied by tea and trimmings. A book discussion group led by residents was organized in November 2003 and meets monthly during the season. A computer and printer with internet service are also available to all residents and guests.
Monthly art exhibits by local artists, residents and friends of the Chapel are displayed in the Chapel Library hallway.
The Lost Tree Chapel Forum provides the community with the opportunity to hear recognized speakers seven to ten times each season on a wide variety of topics of current interest. From its origination in 1988 as a community based discussion forum, it has evolved into a major role in the life of the village. Leaders from business, current and former members of Congress, Cabinet officials, U.S. and foreign Ambassadors, news personalities, scientists, doctors, and sports celebrities have addressed the Forum in recent seasons.